Welcome to Bemannix!
Looking for new challenges?
Bemannix help people to new jobs and for people to develope in their work career.
As an employee at Bemannix you will make valuable contacts and have a chance to affect your career. We match you with companies that you want to work for.
We are operated within the following business areas:
- Transport
- Warehouse
- Administration
- Recycling industry
Above you can connect with us! When connected you will receive an email when we have a new job within the area that you are interested in! Register today!
Why work with us?
Variation 🎈
We help both small and big companies and offer a big variety of jobs. As a consultant you get to try different employers to find out what you like.
Bemannix-spirit 🎉
We are driven by our core values commitment, heart and will. We care about our coworkers and we offer good salary, occupational pension and safe employment conditions. We want our coworkers to feel thrive and feel appreciated. Everyone receives support and feedback and we always help each other out!
At Bemannix you get the opportunity to affect your own work situation. Depending on your life situation we both have full time and part time jobs all over Stockholm.
Our jobs
Lagermedarbetare sökes till ledande företag ino...Jobb inom Lager & Industri · Kontor Björkhagen (HK)
Lagerarbetare med teknisk erfarenhetJobb inom Lager & Industri · Kontor Björkhagen (HK)
Intresseanmälan för dig som vill arbeta som las...Jobb inom Transport · Kontor Transport, Farsta
Intresseanmälan inom distribution inom StockholmJobb inom Transport · Kontor Transport, Farsta
Intresseanmälan för dig som vill jobba med lage...Jobb inom Lager & Industri · Kontor Björkhagen (HK)
Our work culture!
Our core values are: Commitment, heart & will, it permeates everything we do. The core values reflects how we communicate, how we hire and how we work.
Our history!

The beginning of our journey
Bemannix first day was 2014-03-03. Jim, Jocke, Johan and Ove are the founders and still own the company together. Jim is yet the CEO of the firm. Everyone has a lot of experience from staffing, transport and warehouse industry.

In 2015 Bemannix were authorized as a staffing company.

Milestone! In 2016 we had helped over 427 people out on the job market.

Third birthday!
On our third birthday we had helped over 70 different companies with staffing and recruiting.

New office!
In 2018 we upgraded to a bigger office. We moved from Årsta in Stockholm to Telefonplan in Stockholm.

New business area: Education
In 2019 we decided to expand our business. Since then we offer education within logistics.

Authorization 2
We got our second authorization within recruitment.

New business area: support and matching
We expanded again with a new are called support and matching. We help people to get a job.

Authorization 3
Got our third authorization within support and matching.

New office!
In december 2021 we moved again. Now to an office in the middle of Stockholm! Very central and easy for everyone to get to. New adress: Karlavägen 18!
Questions & answers!
You find all of our available jobs under "lediga jobb". You can also connect and upload your application there.
Due to GDPR we do not accept applications through email. -
To help us make a fair assessment we want your resume to contain the following:
- A structured arrangement of your previous work experiences.
- Education / courses you have taken.
- Other competences / permissions that are relevant for the job you are applying for.
You will receive a confirmation email. If something is missing in your application you will receive an email telling you what to do.
Our goal is to get back to you within two weeks. If you have not heard from us you can always call us on 08-555 687 00 between 09:00 am-03:00 pm.
Come prepared!
- Read about Bemannix and the job you have applied for.- Prepare questions you have for us.
- Be on time!
On your profile you can unregister from our email.
It can depend on many things. Here are some examples:
- Either our client has changed their requirements
- Many people have applied and the competition was high
- The application has been published for a long time and your application came in later than others.
About Bemannix AB
" Our vision and ambition with Bemannix is to be a long term cooperation partner working with commitment, heart and will. Our personal feeling is reflected throughout the whole company and we advocate work life balance. We believe that is the key to a well being company and it´s employees"
- Jim Björkman, CEO